Local News & Advice

Why You Need A Listing Agent

  This entry wraps up our series on Listing your home. As we come through the series, I’ll …

Seller Timeline (Part 11 of 12)

Seller Timeline (Part 11 of 12)

https://youtu.be/VLypqhyffhw Part 11 of 12 Experience tells me it takes longer than you anticipate to get the home …

How Do We Get Started (part 10 of …

Part 10 of 12 We are coming up close to the end of this series. With a few …

Listing Part 9: Material Facts

Part 9 of 12 A material fact is any fact about the property that would impact a reasonable …

Listing Part 8-Legal Matters

  Part 9 of 12 A material fact is any fact about the property that would impact a …

Listing-Part 7: Seller Estimated Net Sheet

  This series is devoted to the listing process and aimed at sellers. There will be a great …

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